POAL Update 24/09

POAL Operational Update – Friday 21/09/18 ( PM edition)
September 21, 2018
POAL UPDATE 28 September 2018
September 28, 2018

POAL Update 24/09

24 September 2018
Operational Update
Fergusson Terminal Operations Update

Good afternoon

Today we would like to update you as follows –

• Alongside and working: ALS Jupiter and Seadream;
• Arriving on Wednesday: Botany Bay and ANL Walwa

Please continue to monitor Ports of Auckland website for changes in the vessel schedules.

VBS bookings are being managed by our Gate Ops team, working with the trucking companies to ensure the most effective road exchange operation.

Trucking Companies will receive priority bookings for Hazardous and Reefer import containers. Please note that there will be no extra free time for DG containers and reefer containers – including power charges. Demurrage for all other units has been extended for the meantime.

For the next 24 hours priority will be given only to Export containers for:
• Botany Bay;
• ANL Walwa;

We request rail users refrain from sending Export Containers that are not for the above mentioned vessels. Containers that are booked to load later vessels will not be unloaded from the train and will be returned.

Due to the space restrictions in the yard we will manage receival of Empty export containers directly with the Shipping Lines. The On Dock Link facility remains open for de-hire of Empties.

We will update you again on Tuesday afternoon.