Cargoplus Bulk Notification // POAL Updates 20.09

POAL Operational & Yard Update 17/09/18
September 17, 2018
Ports of Auckland, Operational Update: Fergusson Terminal Operations Update 20 September 2018
September 20, 2018

Cargoplus Bulk Notification // POAL Updates 20.09

Good morning All,


Please see below link from POAL regarding the ongoing situation at the port. Key sentences as below.


“We are being asked by Customers – Lines, Carriers and Cargo Owners when can we expect to be back to normal operations? Regrettably there is no single answer for this as it depends upon so many factors, a number beyond our control.


The road community has been doing a phenomenal job trying to manage the various priorities and demands of importers and exporters requirements whilst also fitting in with our own limitations. Unfortunately we have to maintain a limit to the VBS slots and continue to manage bookings manually against priorities – specific export vessel cut offs, laden import active reefer and hazardous containers and then any other imports where we can provide additional slots based on labour resourcing each shift.


We are sorry but unfortunately there is no quick fix to this situation and realistically we would expect to be in this mode of operation for the remainder of the import peak period.


VBS bookings continue to be managed based on the operational capacity throughout the day and night.”


How this affects our operation and customers:


  • Export receivals are only being communicated the night before receival starts. Do not take information from the port website for receival. It is incorrect.
  • Demurrage for dry boxes will be continued to be waived. This has not been reflected on the port website. Please refrain from chasing us about demurrage for any non HAZ containers.  
  • Any ETA requests on containers without a confirmed booking will not be provided. As per previous announcements resources are provided at the start of, and throughout, our current shift which means the majority of allocations are provided at a whim. To expedite container deliveries delivery instructions should be received prior.


Further updates to follow once received, and your continued patience is appreciated.